The Earth, The Moon and The Sun
This unit consist of three lesson. The lesson in this unit cover the movements of the Earth and the Moon around the Sun in our Solar System, the occurrence of day and night and the phases of the Moon.This unit covers the concepts and skills with regard to the following objectives:
11.1 Understanding the movements of the Earth and the Moon around the Sun
Lesson 1: They Move!
In this lesson, pupils learn about the rotation of the Earthand the Moon and their movements around the Sun. Pupils describe the changes in the length and position of a shadow throughout the day. Pupils also conclude that the Earth rotate on its axis from the west to the east.
11.2 Understanding the occurrence of day and night
Lesson 2: Day and Night
In this lesson, pupils describe and expain that day and night occur due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis.
11.3 Understanding the phases of the Moon
Lesson 3: Phasas of the Moon
In this lesson, pupils learn that the Moon does not emit light. Pupils explain that the phases of the Moon at night time because it deflects sunlight.